There are two fantastic multi-dealer antique stores a few minutes from my house, and my sister and I visit frequently. A couple weeks ago, we discovered that a new vintage clothing seller had taken up residence in one of the stores, and just yesterday, we realized that the seller is actually a pair of vintage-loving sisters. I don't know about you, but I'm usually more likely to buy vintage from someone with a story (a blogger I love, a lady selling an old dress of her mother's, etc.), and a pair of vintage sisters definitely fits the bill.
I found this 60's shirtwaist dress in their booth yesterday. I have to wear black for my gallery attendant job at the art museum, and this seemed perfect; it's simple and classic, but the embroidery on the chest makes it a bit special.
As for non-vintage goings-on, I'm busy preparing for my dance studio's recital (and biting my nails worrying about how my little ones will do onstage). I signed the lease for an apartment in the city and will be starting grad school this August! (I'm going for my Master's in Library and Information Science, specializing in Archives, Preservation, and Records Management... a mouthful, I know.) Other than that, life has been art museum work, estate sale success (I need to post some of the stuff I've found), and yoga classes. Not too shabby, I'd say.
Outfit details:
1960's shirtwaist dress
Coach belt
J.Crew ballet flats
I would definitely rather buy vintage from people with interesting stories, this dress is lovely! Your Masters sounds really interesting. x